Hatch Guarding System at St. Michael






Canadian Martyrs School


Fall Protection

Our HatchGuarding System is making a difference in schools throughout Ontario. Knowing that staff are safe during rooftop entry and exit has been a major concern within School Board for years.
Installing a HatchGuard system takes the risk out of rooftop access. It is a safe, engineered easy solution to providing worker safety at heights. The counter weighted system allow installation to roofs without the need to penetrate the roof.therefore not affecting water-proofing and allowing the system to be installed without affecting the use of the building.
This Hatch Guarding System at St. Michael’s is another example of how at PARCS Ltd. we keep you safe!
img project PARCS HatchGuard


This challenging HatchGuard installation exceeded the customers expectations and addressed serious safety concerns at the school. The hatch opening was very close to the leading edge, with the HatchGuard system, we were able to provide immediate fall protection upon roof entry.

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